
Openness and collaboration are part of OpenWise Learning’s core values, and we are always actively developing and seeking partnerships.  For our apprenticeship program we partner with organizations at the intersection of STEM and public good to help provide our high school Scholars with opportunities to deepen their knowledge and experience, and to expand their network.  We also partner with local government and school officials to deliver services to our Scholars and their families.  Finally, we work with like-minded organizations as we expand our programs to other parts of the world.  If you or your organization is interested in partnering with OpenWise Learning, please fill out the form below and we will contact you to discuss opportunities to partner. We are also looking for volunteers and mentors.

    Your Name (required)

    Your Email (required)

    Your Organization

    Your Message





    Our Winter Fundraising
    Campaign 2024 is now live!

    #GivingTuesday is over, and we exceeded our $2000 goal;
    but you can still support our work by helping make our $10,000 goal.

    A gift today will help support Diversity In
    STEM and the Next Science & Engineering Leaders

        Donate Now!!     

    Session 5 Highlights STEM Leadership Corps Fall 2024, kids working on Raspberry Pi Picos.

        Donate Now!!