3rd Annual Summer STEM Immersive 2018 in DC
We’ve been busily preparing for our third annual summer Immersive starting next week. We received the shipment of the machines that our cohort will use this week, and we’ve been readying them for our new 2018 cohort. We are excited to teach and learn from a new group and exceptional kids in the coming weeks. We are looking forward to expanding the OpenWise Learning Family to a new group of OWL Scholars and their families.
This year we will hold our Immersive in the Southeast DC neighborhood of Barry Farm. During our STEM Immersive every year we teach about computer hardware and networking, web development, coding, and electronics. We also delve into to social issues affecting the community and the wider world, and work to bridge STEM with social justice. Our aim is to develop youth who can invent, innovate and advocate for social equity for themselves and their communities.